Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bye now

Hey all... I'll be away next couple of days and I'm hoping to get back next week.
Thanks for visiting my blog, bye now and take care...

Friday, February 15, 2008


My husband is coming this weekend and he will stay until we go back to Ottawa. Yippeeee...

Five things that we love to do:

- going for a walk and talking about everything.
- watching weekly episodes of five favourite TV shows (that he taped during the week) on Friday night with home made pizza and popcorn.
- driving around and listening books-on-tape.
- sitting quietly and reading.
- taking photos of ourselves while sitting on a park bench.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines Day

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Nothing much

I'm not doing anything fun and exciting last couple of days. The weather was/is miserable. It was too cold on Monday, snowed on tuesday and raining cats and dogs today. I'm just trying to stay inside(except going to the monitoring in every other day)...

doing a little embroidery...
watching movies and eating and surfing...
Oh yes, that's what I do...I'm feeling to tired to go out anyway...I'm hoping rest of the week will be better...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Passing time

"Waiting"... One of the most difficult things in the life... Waiting in a line... Waiting my husband to arrive home... Waiting for a call... Waiting for somebody to get better... Waiting for an email...

This is one of the things that I do, to pass time while waiting...

Friday, February 8, 2008

Walk by the park

I was quite sick last couple of days. But this morning I was feeling better, not as strong as I used to be, but strong enought to take a long walk by the Central park.

I walked along the 5th Avenue,

looked at the stones on the pavement,

and mish-mesh of the branches of the winter trees,

then went in to the park...

Isn't it beatiful, the contrast of the trees and stones of the Central park with high-rise apartment buildings at the background ?

I sat by the pond and watched the people around, it was very quiet and peaceful...

a young girl sitting at the next bench was asking for light, but no luck...

on the other side the benches were all empty...

I looked at the winter sky through the naked branches and thought how is it possible to find this quietness in the middle of this big crazy city ?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Home away

What do you need to feel at home ? I think I need a few favourite things. Like my favourite mug which my husband bought me from Paris. My pink soft blanket which I got when he was away and when I was feeling lonely and cold. My favourite slippers, which keep my -extremly cold-feet warm. Pictures of my family, books from favorite authors. Embroidery supplies and sketch book, and oh my laptop...

Since last November we were travelling back and forth between Ottawa and New York. During the Chrismas break we went to Turkey. And now, I'm in New York again, this time I'll stay couple of weeks. This is all good but I can't help feeling homesick... I love my home and being at home. When I'm away, even in a big and exciting city like New York, I always feel homesick.

My small studio apartment which will be my home for the next few weeks, is cute and warm and homely as it can be. But it still needs my mug, blanket, books, pictures and slippers to be my home. Of course it needs my better half as well, but he went back to Ottawa already. So his picture on my desk has to do it for now, until he comes back...

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Going to NYC

My last couple of days were quite hectic... Last week we went to NYC for 2 days for medical reasons and came back and now we are going again... This time I'll stay there couple of weeks... Going back and forth between hospital and my little studio apartment I'll have more time for blogging (at least I'm hoping for)... Bye now and until the next time, take care...